SOAW-W News for February, 2003

1)  Tue, 11 Feb 2003: Trial Update – Day 1.
2)  Bill O'D. invites you ....
3)  Trial Update – Day 2.
4)  Update & Events.
5)  Rachel's Trial: 6 mos., $500 fine.


School of the Americas Watch–West ~ SOAW–W
Mon, 10 Feb 2003: Trial Update – Day 1

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Monday, February 10, 2003:  Court let out at 6PM.  So far 24 defendants have been adjudicated.  The first 18 pled guilty.  The last six pled not-guilty while stipulating to the facts offered by the prosecution.

1. Evalee (Lee) Mickey - Mt Pleasant, IA, 65: 3 months in federal prison (self-report)

2. Anika Walz - Stacy, MN, 19: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

3. Judd Schiffman - Providence, RI, 20: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

4. Jane Lehr - Blacksburg, VA, 27: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

5. Laurel Albina (Bischoff) - Jamaica Plain, MA, 27: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

6. Jonson Miller - Blacksburg, VA, 27: 2 months federal prison (self-report), $500 fine

7. Sarah Martin - Denver, CO, 19: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

8. Eric Tews - Greenwood Village, CO: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

9. Tiffany Winters - Denver, CO, 18: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

10. Daniel Manriquez - Denver, CO, 18: 12 months probation, 250 hours community  service, $1,000 fine

11. Michael Ugarte - Columbia, MO, 53: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

12. Patrick Stanley - Bronx, NY, 20: 3 months federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

13. Carey Martin Birmingham, AL, 24: 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

14. Corbin Streett - Dublin, MS, 23: 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

15. Tom Blancato - Pittsburgh, PA, 40: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

16. Caitlin Harwood - Cleveland Hts, OH, 19: 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine 

17. Robert Hiltonsmith - Greensboro, NC, 21: 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

18. Vera Brown - Greensboro, NC, 20: 6 months in federal prison (self-report), $500 fine

Begin not-guilty pleas

19. Laura Slattery - San Francisco, CA, 36: 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

20. Mildred Vennessa Pustek - Premerton, WA, 71: 6 months home confinement, 200 hours community service

21. Michael Wisniewski - West Covina, CA, 53: 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

22. Sr. Maureen Newman - Seattle, WA, 57: 3 months in federal prison (self-report)

23. Judith Kelly - Arlington, VA, 57, 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

24. Julia Shideler - Olga, WA, 24: 12 months probation suspended

The SOA Watch Media Team

Bill O'D Invites You ....

From:    Robert Nixon
Date:     Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:26:48 -0800

Bill’s looking forward to celebrating with church friends, peace and justice accomplices, and brothers and sisters in the Labor movement on his return to Berkeley. He said he wants to jump right into things. He’s looking forward to this March 9th event – he’s helping plan it! He’s especially looking forward to meeting those who crossed the line this past year at Ft. Benning and those recently sentenced. The severe sentencing continues.

We’ll have a wonderful Celebration of Hope with reflections by Fr. Bill, introduction of the current defendants against the SOA, a commissioning of those soon going to prison, rousing music followed by a great reception. You won’t want to miss this! Although it starts at 3, folks are planning to get there early to get a sure seat. Bring your family and friends.

Bill sent the following letter and asked that I get it out to you.     Bob Nixon


Dear Friends,

I can't wait to meet with you Sunday, March 9 at 3pm at St. Joseph the Worker.

As much as I look forward to spending time with each of you in the weeks to come, at this time us coming together is what is imperative.

I’ve spent these months in prison because of the existence of the School of Assassins at Ft. Benning , Georgia. While I was here in Atwater last November, eighty-eight more crossed the line at Ft. Benning, were shackled, booked and jailed for two days. Ten are from the Bay Area. I want us to hear from our local defendants on what went down these past weeks at their trials in judgmental un-Faircloth's Georgia court. I want to share our support with them. I want share what each of us can do to close the place down. I want us to celebrate our strength.

Religious groups, Labor and Peace groups meet in the open to march and to rally against war all over the country. The powerful, the monied, meet also but behind closed doors, in back rooms, in board rooms and country clubs to conspire to plot war for oil. As they meet to build empire, we meet to build democracy. We believe that our weapon of nonviolence is far more powerful than their weapons of death and destruction.

We need to celebrate our hope and community. Hoping to meet with you Sunday March 9 at 3pm at St. Joseph’s (1640 Addison at Jefferson, Berkeley)

Bill O'Donnell, soon to be ex #85713-011

School of the Americas Watch–West ~ SOAW–W
Tue, 11 Feb 2003: Trial Update – Day 2

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Tuesday, February 11, 2003:  Nine defendants were adjudicated today.  Court ended just before 5PM.  The first seven defendants went before lunch.  All of these defendants pled not-guilty while stipulating to the facts put forward by the prosecution. The next two defendants, Jason Lydon and Rachel Montgomery pled not guilty and offered a defense.

This leaves two defendants to be adjudicated tomorrow: Patrick Lincoln and William Slattery

The SOA Watch Media Team

1. Sonja Andreas - Wichita, KS, 53: 3 months in federal prison (self report), $1,000 fine

2. Byron Plumley, Jr. - Denver, CO, 55: 3 months in federal prison (self report), $1,000 fine

3. Michelle LaValley - Jamaica Plain, MA, 21: 3 months in federal prison (self report), $1,000 fine

4. J.C. Orton - Berkley, CA, 54: 3 months in federal prison (self report),  $1,000 fine

5. John (Jack) Neis - Apple Valley, MN, 61: 12 months probation, 250 hours community service, $1,000 fine

6. Doris Reed - Endwell, NY, 78: 12 months probation

7. Douglas Kasper - Wheaton, IL, 58: 3 months in federal prison (reported immediately), $500 fine

8. Rachel Montgomery - Oakland, CA, 26: 6 months in federal prison (self report), $500 fine

9. Jason Lydon - Hadley, MA, 20: 6 months in federal prison (reported immediately), $500 fine

School of the Americas Watch–West ~ SOAW–W
Wednesday, 12 Feb 2003: Update & Events

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Los Angeles Website -
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1.  This week's GA TRIALS brought these sentences for Bay Area SOAW activists:

Rachel Montgomery - Oakland, CA, 26: 6 months in federal prison (self report), $500 fine

J.C. Orton - Berkeley, CA, 54: 3 months in federal prison (self report), $1,000 fine

Laura Slattery - San Francisco, CA, 36: 3 months in federal prison (self-report), $1,000 fine

Thurs. Feb. 13, 7:00 PM
Talk by Charlie Liteky on his seven weeks in Iraq.
He will be returning next week.
St. John of God Parish Hall, 1290 Fifth Avenue at Irving St.
San Francisco (N Judah line stops on Irving at Fourth Ave.)

Sun. Feb. 16
11:00 AM, Interfaith Prayer Service, Civic Center, San Francisco
1:00 PM, March starting at Market St. and Embarcadero
2:00 PM, Speeches at Civic Center

Thurs. March 6, 7:00 PM
SOA Watch West Meeting, San Francisco
Unitarian Universalist Church, Franklin at Geary

Sun. March 9, 3:00 PM
SOA Watch Solidarity Celebration with Fr. Bill O'Donnell upon completion of six months in federal prison and the nine Bay Area SOAW activists who have been found guilty of trespass and have sentences ranging from probation with fines to six months in prison with fines.
St. Joseph the Worker Church, 1640 Addison, Berkeley


We are sad to share news of the recent and sudden death of John Nicholas Klingel, son of Karen and John Klingel of San Anselmo.  Karen is a founder and leader in the SOA Watch West movement.  Cards may be sent to:

180 Sturdivant Avenue
San Anselmo, CA 94960

School of the Americas Watch–West ~ SOAW–W
Fri 14 Feb 2003: Rachel's Trial: 6 mos., $500 fine
San Jose Website -
Los Angeles Website -
National Website -

Dear Friends-

I have returned from Georgia after my trial, and am glad to be be back home.  I can't really find the words right now to express how I am feeling or what the experience was like, and will most likely be a hermit for a few days, so please don't worry if you don't hear from me- I need some rest after going through the intensity of dealing with our INjustice system, etc, and seeing friends being hauled off to jail.  (I and one of my co-defendants, Jason Lydon, took the government to a full trial on Feb. 11th, and he refused self-report to prison, so the marshals took him away to the county jail right after our sentencing.  This was probably the most difficult and traumatic things of the whole week for me, as I have been where he is now- Muscogee County Jail, a place notorious for its bad conditions- and I worry about him and hope he is well.)  Jason and I were both sentenced to 6 months in prison, and a $500 fine.  I will be self-reporting to prison, probably in the next 6-8 weeks.  I do not know yet where I will be sent to prison.

Below I have included my statement to Judge Faircloth.  I apologize if you have already received it- I can't remember who I've sent it to already.

Help Support the Prisoners of Conscience!!
If you would like to write to Jason or any of the other prisoners of conscience in jail right now, here are the addresses:

Jason Lydon, William Slattery, Douglas Kasper:
Muscogee County Jail
700 10th Street
Columbus, GA 31901

Thanks to all of you for your support- I really appreciate it.  Peace to all, and I look forward to seeing all of you at the celebration with Father Bill O'Donnell on MARCH  9th at St. Joseph the Worker Church in Berkeley at 3 P.M.

Rachel Montgomery

P.S. For more information, go to:


I was priviledged to be raised in a home where my parents taught me about the democratic process.  In fact, while I was in high school, my dad -who is here with me today- worked for U.S. Senator Russ Feingold, and I had the opportunity to be exposed to the democratic process in a way that many never get a chance to experience.  My parents taught me about the democratic process, but they also taught me that even within a democratic system, sometimes it becomes necessary to stand up for what you know is
right, even if that means you need to dissent.  Despite what you may believe about me and my co-defendants, I believe that by dissenting and making our voices heard, we are participating in a truly American tradition which has been a part of our history since its inception.  As my friend and hero, Charlie Liteky has said, there can be no democracy without dissent.

In your position as U.S. Magistrate overseeing these and past SOA trials, I feel you are only adding your name to the long list of people who continue over and over again to disappear the poor, the marginalized, the indigenous, the people of Latin America, and the hundreds of thousands of victims of the SOA/WHISC, dead or alive, past, present and future. But this issue is much bigger than you and me, and the struggle for justice and freedom will continue long after you and I face each other in this courtroom.  You may wish to continue to punish us with sentences which go far beyond any so-called crime we may have committed.  You may wish to pick apart our arguments against the SOA.  You may wish to patronize us for our convictions.  You may wish to "teach us a lesson".  But please know that by doing all of these things, you only make us stronger and draw more attention to the injustice not only in Latin America, but in the so-called justice system of the United States of America.

And I would also like to remind you that we are not alone.  Each of us who has appeared before you has communities back home- whether large or small- who would be here standing by our sides if they were able.  And we are not alone in history.  Our country has a long and rich history of nonviolent action.  With that, I would like to share a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that I feel is still relevant to this time in our country.  This is part of a speech from the Vietnam War years, but you may easily apply it to the events in Latin America, Afghanistan, Iraq.  In this quote, he is listing his reasons for opposing the War in Vietnam.

"My third reason grows out of my experience in the ghettoes of the North over the last three years-especially the last three summers.  As I have walked among the desperate, rejected and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems.  I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while I was maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfullly through nonviolent action.  But, they asked, what about Vietnam?  They asked if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted.  Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettoes without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today- my own government."

You have asked several of my co-defendants whether they thought the U.S. was the cause of all the violence in Latin America, and you have asked why we don't focus on Latin American militaries.  My answer to that is that as a U.S. citizen, I feel it is not within my power, nor is it my place to effect change in another country's government.  As a concerned U.S. citizen, it IS within my power, and it is my DUTY to effect change in my own government and hold my government accountable for what it does.  Though you won't allow it in our case, international law is the supreme law of the land, just like any other law created by legislation.  I feel I would most likely be acquitted - as well as my co-defendants- if I were able to use international law as a defense, because under international law, a citizen has a right to attempt to stop their government from committing crimes against humanity, even if that entails breaking a domestic law, and the harm being committed by the government is greater than the so-called harm of breaking a domestic law.

In closing, I would like to say two things.  First of all, I would like to thank you for helping us to get the word out about the injustice of the SOA and our government's actions.  Thank you for helping our movement grow.  Thank you for giving us this suffering which will only serve to strengthen us.

The last thing I'd like to share today is a reading from the Tao Te Ching.  In it, I have substituted the word nonviolence for Tao,

"When a country obtains great power,
it becomes like the sea;
all streams run downward into it.
the more powerful it grows,
the greater the need for humility.
Humility means trusting nonviolence
thus never needing to be defensive.

A great nation is like a great man:
When he makes a mistake, he realizes it.
Having realized it, he admits it.
Having admitted it, he corrects it.
He considers those who point out his faults
as his most benevolent teachers.
He thinks of his enemy
as the shadow that he himself casts.

If a nation is centered in nonviolence,
if it nourishes its own people
and doesn't meddle in the affairs of others,
it will be a light to all nations in the world."


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