“Like a tree that’s planted by the water ....”

Archives 2017–18

Our Fall Dinner, BTW, was fabulous. Sorry for those unable to attend.
See you all in the spring at Livermore.
Meanwhile, here are some photos taken by our own Mark Coplan
(audio recordings by Tony Scarr to follow shortly):

Photo Gallery—grazie, Mark Coplan!

Here are videos by our Vid Pro, Mark Coplan:

Good Friday Interfiath Service 2017
 Action at the Gate

Archives 2016

Dear Friends,
We urge you to sign the petition,
Barbara Lee, Speak For Us All. Please take a moment, and tell your friends about it. would mean a lot to me if you took a moment to add your name because: Barbara Lee has a high reputation of speaking truth to power. We ask her to stand on that ground and speak again on some major issues coming up in the next administration.

Thank you!
Carolyn & the EPI Board

From our Poetry Corner:


The tree stump remains in the field

after the tree is cut.

Deeply its roots grasp the soil;

it is not dead.


From it will spring

a dozen shoots

filling the field

hindering the plow

choking the seedlings

stealing the harvest.


With machete and hoe

with strong back and arms

the farmer attacks the stump

digs below its roots

chops off its tendrils

hauls out the tangled knot

to be burned in the cooking fire.


The grain will fall on the fertile field

will sprout and grow.

The harvest will come.


© 1995 Carolyn S. Scarr

    Christ Destroying His Cross

    from Jose Clemente Orozco, Cristo Destruye Su Cruz

    He stands, left hand raised, fist clenched.

    His wounded feet straddle the blood-stained wood,

    of the felled cross.

    His pierced right hand

    grips the heavy ax.

    The stump shows the imprint of the blows

    which brought down

    the instrument of agonizing death.

    The Ionic column of twisted law,

    fallen behind the cross,

    lies on a sheaf of knives.


    Arms cropped, a toppled Buddha rests

    in a bed of gun barrels,

    legs in half-lotus position,

    eyes closed, in oblivious serenity.


    Gun turrets bristle.

    Tanks rumble across a swath of mutilated statuary,

    annihilate all in their path.

    Armless Venus is headless now.


    Christ’s eyes glare above sunken cheeks.

    His skin hangs from flayed thighs.

    The muscled figure

    reflects fire and the blood-red sky.

    Ax in hand, the revolutionary Christ

    stands in rough resurrection.


    Carolyn S. Scarr
    Jan 18, 2011
    Modified April 6, 2011
    Modified May 8, 2011

For those of you unable to attend our 2016 Good Friday Interfaith Service, or who wish to re-visit it:


Read about the Peace Pole Project.

Archives 2015

The EPI 2015 Fall Gathering,
The Color of Empire: At Home &Abroad,

was a great success!

Tony Scarr recorded it, and edited it into 8 clips:

Welcome by Rev. Max Lynn of St. John’s Perbyterian Church


Daniel Zwickel ben Avrám leads his adaptation of “De Colores” for the fall.


“Ella’s Song” by Bernice Reagon of Sweet Honey In the Rock


Devonté Jackson, Black Alliance for Just Immigration & Black Lives Matter


Rev. Deborah Lee, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights


Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action & Ecumenical Peace Institute


Rev. Silvia Brandon Pérez, Ecumenical Peace Institute, School of the Americas Watch
&  Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests


Closing remarks

Fifty years ago Your Humble Webscribe wrote a song that started like this:


Tuesday the 4th we walked:

Those Of A Certain Age will remember Country Joe McDonald.

Our thanks to Bob Hanson and Rick Serling for the photos!

Click on: from
The United Nations Charter
Regarding the Use of Military Force

Mark Coplan took lots of good photos of the Dinner gathering. You can to to his Flikr webpage to view them. Thanks, Mark!

EPI's new phone number: (510) 990-0374 or 510.99.00.EPI

A TPP webpage has been created. For information, click on: TPP-Jeju

Alameda Poet Laureate Mary Rudge Dies: Mary, Stella Maris